Add an image to the page body

Adding images to your page is easy but there are a few things to consider.

Add an image to the page

On your page, use the Add button and choose Content. This will create a block of regular content that can include text and an optional image.

Position the image

There are three choices for how to display the image:

  • Above
  • Left
  • Right

If the image is placed to the left or right it will take up a third of the width of the content block leaving two thirds for the text. The text will automatically wrap around the image.

If the image is positioned above the text it will be displayed at its native up to a maximum width equal to that of the content block.

The image will automatically shrink on small screen sizes but there is currently no option to set a maximum size for the image.

Make the image a link

To make the image a clickable link, add the URL of the destination page in the Image link box.

Add alt text

Adding alt text is a way to describe the image to people using accessibility tools like screen readers to access your website. It is also read by search engines. This can optionally be added to the Image alt field.

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